Activating the Exposio app

1- Download the Exposio app from the App Store.

2- Open the Exposio app and log in using your Exposio account information. You will need to be connected to the Internet

Using the device

1- Secure the Trigger on your camera. With the hot shoe adapter, fix the Trigger on the top of the camera.

2- Set the Camera to MANUAL MODE and set the lens to MANUAL FOCUS( MF).

3- Connect the Trigger using the USB cable provided with your camera.

4- Turn on the Trigger and the camera.

5- Connect the iOS device to the Trigger wireless network. 

On the iOS device, go to Settings > Wi-Fi and select the Exposio Trigger_0000 network.

6- Open the Exposio App on your iOS device and wait for the pairing. Once the pairing is done, refer to the app for the photo shoot.

7- When the photo shoot is complete, turn off the device